Chief Executive’s Message 

Dear Member,

I attended the Art Group Dinner and opening of the annual Art Group Exhibition last night and I think it embodied much of what makes Roehampton Club so special.

Club Chairman Alan Jenkins officially opened the exhibition commenting that when he retires from the Board next May he must start on the Beginners’ Course with Kathy Barker – Members always looking to learn a new skill or to tick off something on the ‘must-do-this-when-I-have-time list’.

Richard Ramsey, Chair of the Art Group, proudly announced that 45 Members had exhibited this year which is a record, and all agreed that the standard was higher than ever – Club Members are always looking to raise the bar in every sport and activity.

There was the recognition of several willing volunteers who had painstakingly hung all the pictures and produce a wonderful catalogue so that the pictures could be bought if desired – commitment from Members to their section and the utilisation of specialist skills within the membership.

Our backgammon team were beating the East India Club next door and both teams and all the Art Group attendees commented on how good their meal was – a tribute to our Executive Chef Arnaud and his team plus the organisational skills of Francesca, Nikki and Jess who oversaw the running of both functions at the same time.

It was great to see over 100 Members back using the Club post-pandemic in the way that resembled normality, catching up with friends and celebrating how the Art Group and its tutors had kept its Members engaged during lockdown via zoom and how it had invested in new technology to improve the lecture presentations – continual improvement at the Club to make each activity and sport.

It is that combination of different Member attributes and commitment, backed up by a professional team of staff, that makes me so proud to be Chief Executive of this wonderful Club.

Tennis first teams playing this weekend

Our National Indoor Doubles League campaign starts this weekend so look out for our Women’s First Team playing on Saturday at midday on courts one and two. Club Champion and World Number One for her age (12) Hannah Klugman is playing with Katie O’ Brien former British Number One, Millie Blisset and Olivia Nicholls against Harpenden. The Men’s First Team are playing on Sunday at 10am with four former ATP ranked and top national players featuring Chris Archer and new Members Joel Cannall, Paul Midgley and Robert Leck. Both matches can be watched from the spectator gallery in the ITC.

Christmas Social Scene

We have an exciting selection of events for adults and juniors alike in the run up to Christmas. Please click here to see what’s on offer and what you need to sign up quickly for to secure your place. Look out for the scheduled Children’s Christmas workshops as they are always popular.

Men’s Golf Dinner – 19th November, 6.45pm

There a few remaining tickets left at Reception for the ever-popular Men’s Golf Dinner and trophy presentations. Join new Captain Paul Taylor as he and the Committee reflect on what trophies were won in 2021 despite a disruptive year. TV Sports Presenter John Inverdale is the guest speaker back by popular demand. Another occasion where I am sure I will be extremely proud of our Club and the achievements of its Members.

Membership updates

Payment notices have been sent out this week with the Chairman’s letter so please look out for those coming through. If you have any changes to make to your membership for 2022, please contact the membership team on by 30th November.

Marc Newey
Chief Executive

Marc Newey, Chief Executive –