Chairman’s Message

Dear fellow Members,

Welcome to a new year. I hope you all had a healthy and happy time over Christmas and New Year.

Covid continues to create problems, not least at our Club. It has unfortunately been necessary to curtail the hours of operation of the food and beverage service recently and I thank Members for their understanding and patience. Normal food service hours will resume from today, Thursday 13th January.

Unfortunately, even as we revert to more normal hours in that department, covid is now affecting the grounds and gardens department. Members’ forbearance and understanding would again be much appreciated.

Airhall Two

Turning to more positive matters, we hope to hear later this month from the office of the Mayor of London about Airhall 2. The documents required were sent at the beginning of this month. Assuming approval is given, the Board will consider the budget for this project at its February meeting, so that work can be programmed for the hall to be operational from October 2022.

Congratulations Annick Lever

In a quiet period since I last wrote to you, I am pleased to note one item of really good news. Our fellow Member, Annick Lever, was awarded the British Empire Medal in the New Year Honours. Click here for an article that records this and Annick’s work to champion love and respect for one another. Many congratulations to Annick on this well deserved recognition and award!

Best wishes,

Alan Jenkins