Welcome back to squash

All guidelines are under constant review and subject to change.
From Saturday 25th July, with social distancing in place, squash courts will open at Roehampton Club for:

◊ Solo practice
◊ Social distance coaching
◊ Play for those from the same household

England Squash

Play Safe Poster Play Safe Poster 2   |  Back to Squash Guidelines

Court booking

◊ Members MUST book a court, please make sure you have a Mycourts login
◊ No booking = no play = no exceptions
◊ Courts can be booked one week in advance
Check in using MyCourts via Reception or GPS – click here 
◊ Courts 1-3 will open at 7am each day to 9:15pm (last booking 8:30pm) reviewed weekly
◊ Courts 4-6 will open at 8am each day to 8:45pm (last booking 8pm) reviewed weekly
◊ Court 6 is now set up as a singles court until doubles is allowed

MyCourts Bookings

All Members to input their names when booking a court online. This includes each name from any household playing. ES guidelines state we must do this so we can keep track of who is onsite each day.
So that MyCourts can show your name on the booking sheets, you should allow permission. If you have not already done this please follow these instructions:
1 Log into the Members’ website at
2 Click BOOK COURTS on the Members’ website homepage
3 Select ‘privacy settings’
4 Click the box to ‘accept your name will be shown on the Booking Sheets when you book and when others book courts and select you as “playing partner/opponent”’.
If you have any problems with this, please email your permission to and I will do this for you.

Guidance for Members

◊ Members clean their hands with sanitiser on entering the court area/court
◊ Bring your own towel
◊ No hand wiping on walls or glass backs
◊ Hand wiping on own shirt or towel only
◊ Use your own ball – balls can be purchased at the Club Reception
◊ Bring your own labelled water bottle, with no sharing. Drinks can be purchased from the Piazz Pop Up refreshment unit
◊ Hand gels and disinfectant sprays available outside each court
◊ Door handles to be disinfected by player before and after play
◊ Members may wear masks and/or gloves if they wish
◊ Members arrive no more than 5 minutes before their pre-agreed session time
◊ Members come ready dressed for the session
◊ Changing rooms are closed, we ask Members to arrive ready and shower and change at home afterwards
◊ Doors/windows are kept open (where possible) to maintain ventilation and stop/reduce further touch points


To give Members the best and safest possible experience/service, all coaching enquiries/requests must be directed to Paul.
Paul, as an employee, will have had daily temperature checks on site and has all the guidelines/protocols in place to make Members enjoy their squash experience the best they can.
Individual Coaching sessions with Paul Lindsay will be available from 25th July, bookable via email to Paul and with social distancing being adhered to. I’m sure you will need a lesson or two!
No other coaching/coaches permitted.

Note to Members

You may have read or heard England Squash is allowing two members from different households to play a modified conditioned version of squash called – ‘Sides’. The Squash Committee in consultation with our Health and Safety advisors have agreed not to currently include this and for its introduction in the second phase of squash returning to the Club.
We wish Members to return safely, to minimalise risk of injury or even a heart attack! It has been nearly 4 months since Members have played and we want Members to be sensible on their initial return to court.
Thank you for your cooperation and we look forward to the phased return of squash.
Should you have any questions regarding squash or coaching please do contact Paul: / 07841 429910
Anyone with ONE of the following symptoms – fever, cough or who is generally unwell – should stay at home and contact their GP. If in any doubt, trust your instincts and please stay at home.

Paul Lindsay |  Racquets Manager  |