Men’s Golf Blog

It shouldn’t really be me writing this! If it had been a normal year, this would be Paul’s first blog of his new captaincy, and I do hope we are not beginning to forget normality and our reasonable expectations of what that normality should be. I’m hugely grateful for Paul’s support all year, a terrific support as Vice-Captain and future Captain, and also to the board for the opportunity to remain as Captain for a second year, where we hope for that all-elusive normality to return. I’ve been humbled by the seemingly endless goodwill and friendship from fellow members, Club Staff, Club Management, and our team of PGA Professionals, all of which has been hugely appreciated, thank you all, and do please keep it going!

I have one more Captain and Pro match to report on, the last of the 2020 series, and what a match it was. Myself and Will Hancock versus two stalwarts of the Seniors Committee; Clive Nicholson and Mel Davies. With hindsight, Mel’s superb birdie on the 1st from 30+ feet should have given us a clue. The chaps dovetailed superbly and the next 7 holes were halved, with barely an opportunity for us to level the score, and we just couldn’t find the little extra needed. Four consecutive net birdies from Clive, during which we only halved one hole, put us 4 down after 12. Both chaps made 3 on the 13th for a half, and Mel’s net birdie on 14 brought the match to a close without a single hole won by the Captain and Pro! Congratulations to Clive and Mel on their great golf; Clive has been working on his chipping with Will recently, and gave us a fine demonstration of how it’s done. Picture above.

Coming up this Saturday we have a Club Stableford; our last competition before we move over to the World Handicap System (WHS). Weather looks a bit gloomy but hopefully we’ll actually get to play. Just a reminder that there is a reserve list for the competition, currently with 28 players on it, so please do check your tee time for the day and if you find now that you are unable to play then make contact with Louis or Tristan soonest. Also, out of courtesy please notify your playing partners. If on the day you find you are unable to play please notify the Club as soon as possible and also your playing partners. Players not making their tee time without prior notice given may receive sanctions from the Committee. For male golfers, that will mean a letter from the Captain advising that you will not be permitted to enter the next signup competition, which is the Men’s December Stableford on December 5th.

Also on Saturday, please take part in ‘Putt for Prevention’, which is a 25-foot putt challenge in aid of Breast Cancer UK, set up on the practice green by Angela and the Ladies Golf Committee. In particular this is to support the charity’s “25 Saves Lives” campaign, highlighting that more than 25% of breast cancer cases are preventable. Please don’t pass on this, maybe wear something pink (I have acquired a pink baseball cap in place of my customary red), and take the challenge. I believe a minimum donation of £5 is required but chaps, we are the Roehampton Club Men’s Golf Section, let’s give this our full support and make sure whatever we donate is an amount ending in zero.

Back to WHS, a reminder to consent to having your data shared with England Golf and to ensure that the relevant information is held in your profile. If you do not consent, then on 2nd November, England Golf will be unable to provide you with a handicap index and you will be ineligible to compete in competitions at Roehampton Club in accordance with the rules from England Golf. Please refer to Louis Laville’s email of 13th October, explaining what to do, if you haven’t already done this. For those who have followed the consent procedure, you can preview your new handicap index on the England Golf WHS Golfer platform, as outlined in Louis’ email of Friday last, 23rd October.

The 4BBB knockout has now progressed to the fourth round with matches to be played by Sunday 15th November. Two of the eight matches have already been played. I’m looking forward to a weekend of Foursomes golf on 7th and 8th November, with the Arthur Clarke Foursomes Medal on the Saturday and a Winter Foursomes knockout Match on the Sunday. The play-by date for the first round Winter Foursomes is also Sunday 15th November.

Finally, etiquette; the perennial source of Member dissatisfaction for those on the receiving end of poor behaviour on the course. On a recent Saturday morning, one group experienced two near misses where there was no warning from the offending player or his group. Please be reminded, if you hit an errant shot, just assume that someone could be endangered, even if you can’t see anybody, and just shout loudly, it’s really not difficult. I mention unrepaired pitch-marks on our greens, which continues to be a disappointment. It’s even more important now, coming into winter, playing on softer greens, so please do your bit and repair yours and those by delinquent fellow Members.


Gerry Dennigan | Men’s Golf Captain