Wandsworth community initiatives involving the Club

Roehampton Community Box with Rackets Cubed

Roehampton Club has been working with Rackets Cubed for the last four years. We were the founding programme and many of our Members are actively involved. We are pleased to announce that the Club has joined the Community Box Programme as a lead local partner, and we will support the growth of this wonderful initiative in our area.

The children Rackets Cubed works with are having a much harder lockdown than most of us. These families live on the Alton Estate, the largest council estate in Europe, in small flats. For these children and their parents, this lockdown is a very different experience and Rackets Cubed is trying to help them. The charity has started delivering to some of these families a ‘Community Box’ including food, activities and educational materials. On our first day of deliveries (14th April) 60 very grateful families took possession of these Community Boxes.

Community Boxes will be delivered to 200+ families this week in the Roehampton area with 250 targeted for next week. Across the seven sites nationally, Rackets Cubed will deliver Community Boxes to almost 1,000 families in Leeds, Hull, London, Birmingham and the West Midlands and aim to hit 1,500 families next week.


Each Community Box contains:
♥ Healthy foods
♥ Hygiene products e.g. soap, toothpaste, and toilet paper
♥ Activity; colouring books, pencils, games, magazines, indoor ‘sports’
♥ Education; reading and maths books


Thank you for any help that you can give:



Michael Hill – Founding Trustee of Rackets Cubed and Roehampton Club Member

Donation of hand sanitiser gel – note of thanks

Dear Mr Newey,
Further to your letter and delivery of hand gel I am emailing to express my gratitude for your generosity and kindness in thinking of us at Putneymead. I have copied Karen Harris our managing partner in and I know she will join with me in appreciation of those in the community who support us at this time.
Jodie O’Regan
Lead Practice Nurse
Putneymead Group Medical Practice

Power to Connect Initiative

The Power to Connect Initiative launched by Wandsworth Council and Battersea Power Station aims to raise awareness of digital exclusion and to support local families across Wandsworth and patients from St George’s NHS Hospital in Tooting, who are struggling to stay connected during the COVID-19 outbreak.

With lockdown in place, many local families are struggling to keep their children educated, stimulated, entertained, and connected. This becomes even more challenging without access to a computer or broadband at home, and connectivity might come only from a Pay as You Go phone.

If Members would be happy to donate old laptops that they no longer need, they can be donated at the Rose Community Centre in Battersea (currently two days per week) but donations can also be collected from other parts of the borough.

All devices must be five or less years old, be in working order and have charging cables/kettle leads. A software called Neverware is used to wipe the current operating system on the computers and replaces it completely, turning the laptops into Chromebooks which can then only be logged into using a Gmail/Google login.

For more information go to: www.powertoconnect.co.uk

Thank you.
Sarah Banham – Head of Community and Sustainability
Battersea Power Station Development Company