Bridge Blog

After a hectic October event schedule, November has been relatively quiet in the Bridge Room.

Calendar 2024

We plan to issue the calendar for 2024 very soon. This will be a good opportunity for Members who like to plan ahead to put key dates in their diaries. The calendar, compiled by Ellie, sets out the main Club matches and internal events for the Bridge Section, although it does not contain many of the league games which are run in parallel with the Club matches and competitions. Contact details for these leagues are available on BridgeWebs including:

♥ London Business Houses Contract Bridge Association ( LBHCBA) – Diamonds Convenor: Malcom Bricknell at and Hearts Convenor: Rita Gallinari-Jones at

♣ Surrey County Ladies Golf Bridge League – Convenor: Sandra Fox at

♦ Surrey County Ladies Tennis Clubs Bridge League – Convenor: Belinda Stone at

♠ Surrey Palace Bridge league – Convenor: Fiona Pollard at

We will update the calendar periodically as obviously dates can change and fixtures are added. Typically matches are put up on the board around two months in advance and selection is made a month ahead. Matches are usually friendly and rated as being for intermediate or advanced players. A relatively small number are invitational where the best team available would be selected.

Between the club matches and the leagues there is a great range of opportunities to play Bridge for the Club. Where there is over demand for club matches we would tend to give preference to players who are regulars in the Bridge Room although we do very much want to encourage participation by as many as possible and give everyone a fair chance to play.

Special Social Bridge Session

On Thursday 23rd November we plan to run a special version of the usual Social Bridge evening which is designed to encourage new players who are interested to join these sessions.

We are offering the option to join us for a light dinner at 6.30pm (chicken pie or vegetarian option for £12.95, payable on the night ahead of play) which will start at the usual time of 7.30pm.

Several more experienced players will be available to help introduce non-regulars to the mechanics of the Club’s duplicate bridge sessions. To join the supper please contact Fiona Pollard by WhatsApp on 07973 543920 or at,  or simply come to the Thursday Duplicate session as usual.

Simultaneous Pairs

On Monday 4th December we will join other bridge clubs in Surrey in running the Dorin Salver Charity Sim Pairs. As always, the charity chosen for this event is the Queen Elizabeth Foundation –

There will be a £2 contribution per head added to the normal table money. The Club will collect the extra money and send this to the SCBA who are coordinating the event.

Christmas Events

Bookings are going well for the Bridge Christmas Party taking place on Saturday 2nd December. The drinks reception will start at 6 pm followed by dinner and a very relaxed Chicago Bridge session to follow.

The social bridge group are having their Christmas Special on Thursday 14th December. This will include mulled wine and mince pies followed by some interesting and unusual bridge.

Devonshire Cup

We have been informed by the RAC that the format for the Devonshire Cup is likely to change. We do not yet have the details, but these are expected to emerge soon and we will follow these changes carefully.

The Naval and Military Club

Roehampton Club Members who are interested can join the Christmas Dinner Party at the The Naval and Military Club (In and Out), 4 St James’s Square at 6.30pm on Monday 4th December. There will be a glass of bubbly followed by dinner for £71 per person.

It’s a black-tie event. To book contact Elsa Nelson at or on 07776 426327.

Malcolm Bricknell, Bridge Chair