Bridge Blog

Dear All,

The Bridge AGM is on Monday 18th October at 5pm. I do hope that many of you will join us to welcome the new Committee and Chair.

On 24th October we are hosting our Swiss Teams Competition. This will be live in the Bridge Room and Garden Room. Registration is from 1.30pm with play starting at 2pm.

This year we are going to play all the Boards before dinner with a break in the middle of the afternoon. This will mean that dinner can be a more relaxed affair and we can have a proper prize giving ceremony.

Dinner will be at 6pm (ish) so we should not be too late finishing.

We currently have 21 tables and would dearly love to have 22. If anyone would like to enter a team please contact Belinda Stone at

The results of the survey are in and we will announce next week when and where the Wednesday session will be played with effect from 3rd November. So, Wednesday 20th and 27th will definitely be at 2.30pm on BBO.

Congratulations to Peter Hardyment, Malcolm Bricknell, Ron Wood, Paul Ambrus, Gordon and Sandra Fox, Myles and Ellie Elliot on retaining the Irene Hough Cup.

Peter’s match report:

‘The match was played in a very good spirit and remained very close right up to the end .

One of the reasons Roehampton won was because, Alan, the AELTC captain, was so concerned that his partner had given completely the wrong explanation for his bid that he did not double us in the crazy contract we ended up in as a result. This very gentlemanly act cost his team more than the total winning margin!’

Roehampton Club entered a team in the MCC  mixed Teams Event which was played online on Real Bridge on October 10th. We played six, seven-board rounds which were very closely contested but Roehampton emerged victorious with 80vps.

Congratulations to Peter Hardyment, Malcolm Bricknell, Julie Bacon and Kate Blake.

Good luck to our team of Peter Hardyment, Malcolm Bricknell, Ralph Evers, Peter Bonnor Moris, Viv Harris, Paul Ambrus, Danny Gesua and Sally Gesua, who will be competing for the Queen’s Centenary Cup this Sunday, 17th October. Roehampton Club are the current holders from when it was last played back in April 2019.


The Bridge leagues are starting again:

The Diamond Team in the Business House League narrowly won their first match.

Three matches have been played in the Surrey Lawn Tennis Bridge Club League. We won two by a huge margin and the third by 1imp.


Congratulations to all those who have played in these matches and good luck for the rest of the season.

Our first face-to-face Teams event is on 15th October. If you haven’t signed up on the notice board in Reception and would like to enter a team, it is not too late as long as you are signed up before lunchtime that morning.

The Rubber knockout tournament will also be going ahead this year. Please sign up at Reception if you would like to enter. The closing date is 5th November with the draw being made shortly afterwards.

I have had a few comments from Members not being able to find the dates of events/matches/duplicate. So, from Monday 18th October there will be a weekly ‘News’ item on the Club website in the Bridge section. This will have the week’s events on plus upcoming dates. It will be updated every Monday. I hope that this will help solve the problems encountered.

A date for your diary is Saturday 4th December. We are planning to hold our Christmas Party on that date with dinner followed by a fun Chicago session of Bridge. Further details will follow shortly. But please save the date now.

This is my last blog. I would like to thank you all for your support over the last two years. It has not been quite the two years I had envisaged when I agreed to take on the role of Chair of our wonderful Bridge Section, but we have struggled through.

Hopefully this next year will continue the return to live bridge with online becoming the exception rather than the norm.

Kind regards,

Kate Blake, Bridge Chair