Welcome back to tennis

Please see the following operational procedures in place when the Club reopens for tennis on 29th March and further lifting of restrictions from Monday 12th April to permit indoor tennis:

◊ Outdoor singles and doubles play permitted
◊ Outdoor 1:1 and group coaching permitted
◊ Courts are bookable 1 week in advance
◊ To ensure all Members have an opportunity to play once the club has opened, Members will be restricted to 3 x 90-minute bookings per week. (this will be reviewed weekly)
◊ Members may exceed 3 bookings per week if courts are available on the day they wish to play
◊ Members must provide all player names on MyCourt bookings
◊ Please check-in for all courts via the online check-in or by calling Reception
◊ No group socialising before or after tennis activity
◊ All interclub Leagues have been extended to the end of May

Indoor Tennis from 12th April

The Indoor Tennis Centre will open on Monday 12th April. However, the following restrictions will apply:
◊ Singles and doubles permitted for same household/bubble only.
◊ Supervised activity for U18s.
◊ 1:1 coaching.
◊ Organised group activity permitted for children – (max group size 15)
◊ Indoor spectating not allowed.
◊ When booking any court please ensure that all player names are on the booking.

No guests allowed until further notice.
◊ Clubhouse – Members may use the toilet facilities, wash hands and collect items from the lockers but MUST NOT dwell for any time. Face coverings MUST be worn at all times. Please social distance at all times.

Members may buy takeaway food and drink from the Piazza Coffee Shop but should not dwell for any length of time. Tables and chairs are permitted to be used from 12th April.

Social tennis (subject to the rule of 6)

◊  Pay and Plays will resume on Monday 19th April
◊ Club Afternoon and Club Night will resume w/c 29th March
◊ 18 -35s Social will resume on 19th April
◊ Ladies Tennis Morning will resume on 1st April
◊ Vets Matchplay resumes on 8th April.

The above social sessions will need to be pre booked by calling Clubhouse Reception as spaces will be limited – 020 8480 4200

No earlier than 12th April

◊  Indoor leisure facilities open for individual/household use only
◊  Indoor children’s sport resumes for larger groups, including group coaching etc.

Junior Coaching Programme

◊ Bookings will open for the summer term on Friday 12th March at 10am
All spaces are allocated on a first-come, first-serve basis
◊ All course information and class times below

Course Information

Term Dates- 19th April – 11th July
Half-Term- 31st May – 6th June
Early Bird Price Until – April 4th

Juniors may only sign up for courses in their year of birth – all ineligible bookings will be cancelled

Click here for the spring term sessions, dates, costs and cancellation policy

To sign up please contact Clubhouse Reception on 020 8480 4200 and select option 4. Reception open Monday to Friday 10am until 4pm.

Dan Lott
Racquets Director