Swimming Lessons

Ana and I have been working hard reviewing Swimming Lesson guidance from Swim England to understand how swimming lessons must work in the ‘new norm’. This has meant a full review of the Swim Lesson programme for all Members.
To meet Swim England guidance group swimming lesson occupancy must be reduced to comply with social distancing and we must also implement cleaning and sanitising times between every lesson, the same as we have had to for swimming, gym sessions and classes.
If we kept to the existing programme these two compulsory changes alone would result in only being able to offer 60% availability of our lessons, which would mean 95 children not being able to take part in a Swimming Lesson at all.
The existing programme must be replaced with an entirely new schedule simply to be able to offer all existing child swimmers on the Swim Programme an opportunity to continue learning to swim and to gain an important life skill.

To offer a slot for swimmers there will be several key changes which we have documented below:
◊ We will no longer be able to offer 1:1 Swimming Lessons during the week or at weekends (this will be reviewed on an ongoing basis taking into consideration programme occupancy and available pool space)
◊ Saturday and Sunday’s 1:1 Private Lessons will be replaced with Group Lessons
◊ Swimming Lessons will take up the whole of the Indoor Pool between 4pm and 6pm Monday to Friday (The Outdoor Pool will be open until 6pm through winter to offer swimming for adults and children not in swimming lessons)

In the meantime, I would like to reassure you all that we are very much committed to providing a safe and fun Swimming Lesson for each of our swimmers.
Please see our more detailed FAQ’s below.
Thank you.
If you have any questions, please contact myself or Ana directly.

Ana Leal – Junior Activities and Swimming Lesson Coordinator

Luke Fenton – Health Club Manager

Swimming Lesson FAQs

How do I book my child into a swimming lesson?

There is a new 4-step booking process:

Step 1 – You will receive an email with the correct Swim Stage for your child and the lesson timetable to see what slots are available for you to book.
Step 2 – Following receiving the email, bookings to reserve your place will then go live. This can be done online via the Members’ website or by calling the Health Club Reception. You will receive a confirmation email confirming your booking.
Step 3 – A Member of the Health Club team will call you to take payment for the Swimming Lesson.
Step 4 – Swim Lessons commence!

Download Swim Lessons Timetable

I am a new Member how can my child join the swim programme?

A 15 to 20-minute Swim Assessment will need to be made with Ana.
Bookings can only be made once a Swim Assessment has been completed.
To book a Swim Assessment please email ana.leal@roehamptonclub.co.uk

How many children will be in a lesson?

This will vary depending on the stage of each lesson and the pool space available for the lesson.
To reassure you we have reduced all class sizes to meet the Swim England guidance for swimming lessons.

Where do I arrive for Swim Lessons?

A one-way system will be in operation – detailed as below:
◊ Check in with Health Club staff at the Gate
◊ Walk round to the Indoor Pool via the Outdoor Pool
◊ Be ‘Swim Ready’ and change on Poolside ready for your lesson – please make sure your child has their swim hat and goggles on for the start of the lesson
◊ Once the lesson has ended you can enter the Changing Rooms to change only
◊ When changed, leave via the Changing Room entrance and Reception area

Will changing rooms be available?

Yes. Changing rooms will be available after the Swim Lesson as we must allow time for the lesson before to change, vacate and sanitise the changing area before the next lesson can use this area.
Where possible we need all children to arrive Swim ready.
Changing Room Capacities
Male: 4 families at any one time (based on a family of 4 persons)
Female: 6 families at any one time (based on a family of 4 persons)

IMPORTANT: If the changing room is at capacity Members will be required to wait on poolside until space becomes available.

Do I have to use the Changing Room?

No. If you would prefer to continue to dry off on poolside and leave via the Entrance Gate, you can.

Will equipment be cleaned?

All swimming equipment used for teaching will be changed between lessons and sanitised.

Will I be able to use the Changing Room showers?

The showers will not be available during phase one of the Changing Room re-opening.

Will I be able to use lockers?

In phase one of re-opening lockers will not be available for any use. The changing room is for changing only.

How do I know where to change?

Please only use spaces marked in each Changing Room. These spaces have been set out to ensure social distancing is maintained.

Will towels be available?

Members will need to continue to bring their own towel for the time being.

Will I be able to use vanity areas, hairdryers, costumer bags and the costume dryer?

Yes. But for the safety of both Staff and Members this is on the understanding and agreement that Members and Staff take responsibility of sanitising these facilities and equipment before and after use. If this does not happen then these facilities will be made unavailable permanently.

Will the toilets be available?

Yes. Toilets will be available for everyone. Only 2 Members at any one time.

Will crash courses still be available in the holidays?

Yes. We will continue to offer crash courses which will be on a 1:1 basis.

Will the Juice Bar be open?

The Juice Bar will remain closed to begin with. The Club Café will be available to book after your lesson and a children’s menu’s will be available.

Can my child have more than one swimming lesson per week?

No. Due to Swim Lesson availability under the new programme, children can only have one lesson per week.
We will keep this under review.

What happens to the missed lessons from last term?

The lessons missed will be credited at the time of payment for the September term.

If you have any questions, please speak to a Member of the Health Club Team or contact
Ana Leal – Junior Activities and Swimming Lesson Coordinator

Luke Fenton – Health Club Manager