Squash Scene

Return to play structure

To help Members back on court I will be emailing new drills and challenges over the coming weeks. They will progress steadily but go at your own pace/level and do not overdo it.
Should you wish to discuss for assistance please contact me.

Currently only play allowed:
*Solo practice
*Social distance coaching
*Play for those from the same household

Solo Practice

Learning to control the ball, footwork and spatial awareness is essential in playing squash.
Improving these fundamentals increases your skill level and gives you an upper hand in a competitive game against your opponent.

These solo exercises will help you improve by practicing and ready you for your return to full court play/matches.


Solo Drills guide

(FH – Forehand / BH – Backhand)
1) 10 FH straight drive, first bounce past service line/hit/repeat

2) 10 FH straight drive, one bounce/glass/hit/repeat
3) 10 BH straight drive, first bounce past service line/hit/repeat
4) 10 BH straight drive, one bounce/glass/hit/repeat

Try to achieve the individual 4 drills above with 10 consecutive hits for each. Make a note on how many you do first time and then improve next time you are on court.

If you find this easy see how many you can get to consecutively!


Ghosting, with or without racket – 6 touch points to be run in numerical order. Diagram left and example by Court 3 to show touch points.
A gentle way to move around the court and remember squash patterns, do not overdo it.
This will get tougher in coming weeks!


Straight Volley Drives

(FH – Forehand / BH – Backhand)
10 FH straight volley continuous from in front of service box
10 FH straight volley from behind service box
10 BH straight volley continuous from in front of service box

10 BH straight volley from behind service box

Mixed Drive and Volley

10 FH alternate drive and volley from behind service box
10 BH alternate drive and volley from behind service box

Solo Challenge

How many shots can you play continuously?

1) Figure of ‘8’ front wall – with 1 bounce

2) Figure of ‘8’ front wall – volley only

Please email me your scores. There is a leader board by Court 3.
There is no limit to the number of goes you have – but you must submit your first go.

All guidelines are under constant review and subject to change, any changes will be communicated.

Paul Lindsay | Racquets Manager | Head Squash Professional | paul.lindsay@roehamptonclub.co.uk