Racquets Director’s Diary


The Indoor Tennis Centre is now open. However, the following guidelines are in place:

Singles and doubles permitted for same household/bubble only.

◊ Supervised activity for U18s.
1:1 coaching
Organised group activity permitted for children – (max group size 15)
Indoor spectating is not allowed.

When playing in the ITC please scan the QR code with the NHS track and trace app. QR codes can be found at the entrance to all indoor courts.

Grass Courts

With the freezing temperatures and snowfall this week it’s hard to believe that the grass courts will be in play soon. The top block of grass courts (19 to 24) are due to open on 2nd May. Let’s hope it warms up and members can enjoy some grass court tennis soon.

Social Tennis Sessions

The summer term starts on Monday 19th April, from this date all social tennis activities will resume. Please see the full list of sessions below:

Monday: 18-35’s Social – 7:30pm to 9pm

Monday: Pay and Plays –10am to 11:30am (£12 per session) 

Wednesday: Club Night – 6pm to 7:30pm

Thursday: Ladies’ Morning – 9:30am to 11am

Thursday: Vets Matchplay – 1:30pm to 3pm

Saturday: Pay and Play – 8:30am to 10am (£12 per session) 

Saturday: Club Afternoon – 3pm to 4:30pm

Please sign up at Reception for all the above. Bookings open a week in advance and spaces will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis.

Padel Courts Opening

The steel and glass for the Padel courts should be going in this week. A ‘Padel Opening Day’ is planned for Monday 3rd May. The Racquets team are currently finalising the Padel programme so all Members can experience the game. If you are interested in playing Padel tennis please email paul.lindsay@roehamptonclub.co.uk

Find out more about Padel here

Dan Lott | Racquets Director | dan.lott@roehamptonclub.co.uk