
As the Club facilities gradually reopen, albeit with restrictions, the art and photography studio is due to open on 15th May. Numbers will be limited but I hope that we will be able to arrange some dates for Members to meet and practise some techniques for still life, portraits and some studio set ups. They will not be led by tutors and will be free. As the situation unfolds I will keep Members updated.

Our recent series of talks by Stewart Wall have finished and we will be talking to him about possible future talks for later in the year.

A talk that many of you may find interesting is scheduled for the evening of Thursday 22nd April. Steven Gill owns a company specialising in restoring old photographs and will demonstrate how he approaches his work.

The talk will be free to all Members and publicity details including how to register will be sent out shortly.

 I suspect many of us have old negatives and slides tucked away and possibly some of great sentimental value.  I have had two photos restored, one of my mother aged eight in 1915, with her next two siblings (seven more followed) and my grandparents. I also have another beautiful portrait of my mother aged 18 taken to be given to her grandmother.

 Spring has arrived so a good time to be out and about taking photographs so, check your cameras, charge the batteries and click those shutters.

If you need some inspiration and haven’t already had a chance to take a look, click here to view the fabulous photos in this year’s PhotoClub Exhibition online. 

Richard Le Vesconte | PhotoClub Chairman