Ladies’ Golf Report

If you never thought life was result driven, you do now. The Brexit date has come and gone, and we are still awaiting a result albeit now for the General Election. Apropos things political, I now know where to buy Keith’s Christmas present. John Bercow came in less combative form and spoke for an hour and a half without notes, repetition or hesitation and more importantly told us where he bought his ties!

The Rugby World Cup 2019 has achieved a result, probably not the one most of us were hoping for. A huge disappointment, however, when we started, I never thought England would be in the final and to cheer ourselves up we have the Derry and the Pearson campaigns to focus on. Without further ado the first Pearson match has been played on a bright sunny day, the team of Liz Collins, Fiona Pollard, Bridget Barton, Therese Swanson, Claire Martin, Caroline Dewar and Henrietta O’Shea played their first match away to Malden. They brought home a resounding 5/2 victory, with impressive performances all around. Their next match is away against Tandridge so good luck to Danit Birn, Liz Collins, Fiona Pollard, Bridget Barton, Emma Angood, Caroline Dewar and Henrietta O’Shea. Keep the results coming.

The Derry are level pegging (I won’t get into the technicalities of games at this stage) with their home and away matches against Dulwich and Sydenham so all to play for against Hindhead away on Wednesday 13th. Good luck to the team of Aude, Lorna and Jane. Their home leg against Hindhead is on Sunday (team to be announced) so fingers and toes crossed for that one too.

The mixed seniors played their final fixture of 2019 against Hurlingham at home on Monday 28th October with Roehampton Club victorious winning 5/1 and taking back the Rose Bowl. This is a double headed fixture with the first game being played earlier in the year at Hurlingham. The ladies were represented by Libby Dand, Sue Grant, Sally Gesua, Shirley Keane, Val Patten and Pippa Walker. If you are over 55 and would like to play in these matches sign up on IG. They have eleven matches next year.

I would at this juncture like to thank Jane Peel (Derry and Hicks Captain), Tricia Morgan (Pearson Captain) and Libby Dand (mixed seniors) for taking on this role. It is a lot of work to organise the games and players for these matches.

Last week Duncan Christie-Miller who has just come back from Morocco having walked two marathons on consecutive days in the Sahara gave a talk on his adventures to raise money for Parkinson’s UK. A special charity for me as my mother had Parkinson’s for 20 years. It was a fascinating afternoon and we raised a healthy sum in conjunction with the Senior chaps who did the same on Wednesday, for the charity, thank you everyone who contributed, Duncan for an enjoyable afternoon and to the Club for providing refreshments.

Preceding that we had a yellow peril competition. Some amazing scores!

1st Danit Birn, Claire Martin, Fiona Pollard and Linda Stewart 107 pts

2nd Sally Gesua, Shirley Keane, Caroline Leslie and Bridget Barton 103 pts

3rd Sue Lennox, Caroline Dewar, Emma Angood, Linda Wareham 103 pts

On Tuesday we had a terrific result (in my opinion), the Stableford was non-qualifying owing to the final phase of the Bunker Renovation project works taking place.

The results were as follows:

Division One Results Points

1st Joanna Thesiger (5)    37

2nd Libby Klugman (6)    35

3rd Charlotta Lyckeus (11)    34

Division Two Results Points

1st Patricia Morgan (21)    34

2nd Tessa Ringrose (21)    33

3rd Libby Dand (21)    32

4th Catherine Dando (21)    32

Please remember to sign up at Reception for the Christmas Lunch even if you are not playing golf do come and get into the party mood for December. Any donations of socks would be gratefully received by the Battersea Summer Scheme who are coming to talk to you about the charity at the lunch.

Now nag corner, please repair pitch marks you will make them!

A reminder to contact your playing partners in the knockouts. I know of at least one person who left it to her opponent to make contact and ran out of time so had to give a walk over. This is never to be encouraged; contact your opponent and dispense with the rule stating whoever is ‘on top’ should make contact; we are all far too busy these days to stand on such outmoded ceremony.


Angela Atkins | Ladies’ Golf Captain