Croquet Communique 

As we move into autumn, I am pleased to report that the Croquet Lawns are still well used, and Members are reminded that courts 1 and 2 can be floodlit. To have the lights turned on, call Reception from the telephone in the Pavilion. Please remember to let Reception know when you have finished playing and ask them to turn the lights off.

Club Sessions and Rainbow

We are reintroducing limited club sessions and details of these will follow. The Rainbow competitions, for both Association and Golf Croquet, will run through the winter as usual. Magnet numbers for players are issued by Reception. Please pay the entry fee of £3 and write your name against the number list in the Pavilion. You should only touch our own magnet and use your own pen.

Annual Lawn Maintenance

The week beginning 5th October, saw the annual end of season lawn maintenance.

Many Members ask about lawn maintenance and why we close the lawns. To give some idea of the process I have put together some photographs to illustrate the work.

Firstly, the lawn is scarified, using a quite frightening machine, mounted on a tractor – this takes out the ‘thatch’ i.e. dead grass.

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Following this, is the process of ‘hollow coring’ , simply the removal of ‘plugs of lawn’ to encourage growth and improve drainage. A machine, hand controlled, is guided across the lawn, whilst dozens of coring tubes extract plugs and drag them to the edge of the area.

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The ‘plugs’ are loaded into a truck and taken for compost.

Then a filling top dressing is spread onto the lawns using a vehicle, which has a conveyor running along the base of the hopper, which drops the dressing onto a rotating wheel, spraying the contents across the lawn.

The sand-based dressing is then brushed into the holes.
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No small job and quite remarkable that given reasonable weather the lawns are back in play at the end of the second day!

Annual General Meeting (AGM)

There is unfortunately no possibility of holding the AGM and Tea this year. However, the Chairman and Captain Reports will be circulated to section members.

Youth Croquet Section 

Delighted to report that a half-term croquet event was held on Wednesday 28th October, attended by ten young Members, some playing for the first time.

Starting in bright sunshine, there was a heavy storm shower which stopped play for a short time and play finished under the floodlights.

However, everyone enjoyed the day and there was some competitive play and excitement. We look forward to arranging more events.


Enjoy your autumn croquet!

Mike Pattison | Croquet Captain