Chief Executive’s Message

Dear Member,
With the Christmas season now in full swing I am pleased to report that we have received glowing feedback from all the Club sections on how well their Christmas events have gone, full of praise for the high standard of food from Ray and his Kitchen Team plus the service from Nicki D and Nikki C and their organising and service teams respectively. Coupling that with how well the Christmas Feast of Cabaret, featuring Charlotte Page, Anna Boucher and our superb Ladies’ Club Choir was received in its second year the confidence in our catering operation seems, fingers crossed, to be fully restored.
The catering management team – Simon Baker, Nicki D and Chef Ray – will not be resting on their laurels as they all know there is a great deal still to improve in 2020.

Thank you to the Committees

The Chairman hosted a ‘Thank you to the Committees’ evening this week where he particularly thanked all the Captains and Committee Members who were stepping down after giving sterling service to the Club over a number of years. All the staff really value the commitment and support given by Committee Members as it’s the blend of Members and staff working closely together to improve the Club’s operation as well as setting achievable strategic plans that, in my opinion, gives Roehampton Club the edge over rival sporting clubs.

ITC Court Bookings

As a case in point our Club doesn’t charge a court fee for booking an indoor court unlike other clubs. The Tennis Committee is keen to retain this membership perk and therefore wants to ensure that all Tennis Members can have the opportunity to book an indoor court. The booking system is showing that Members are booking courts and not showing up, or not cancelling courts in advance which is unfair on Members who particularly wish to play in our new ITC.
The Committee supports the proposal put forward by Racquets Director, Dan Lott, to reduce court bookings in the ITC to 60 mins, amend the League scoring and penalise serial no show or late cancellation offenders. Please see the new ITC booking rules here, effective from January as a trial, which will be reviewed by the Tennis Committee in April.

Membership Renewals

Now the 30th November deadline has passed the Membership Team are working hard to process resignations, welcome new Members who have been waiting years to join and manage the prospective Members who are being told that the next entry point is January 2022. We aim to still hold the maximum Membership number at 5,000.

Roehampton Club Gin

The announcement at the Committee ‘thank you’ evening that the Wine Committee had tasted and selected a Roehampton Club Gin using botanicals from the Club’s garden estate went down very well. The gin is currently being bottled and we will announce its arrival soon so it can be sampled in the Members Bar and also to buy as a gift – see here for more information

Burns Night 2020 – Roehampton Reels

A date for the diary after the Christmas festivities is Saturday 25th January as we are hosting Roehampton Reels to celebrate Burns Night with the opportunity to practise on Thursday 23rd January in our Reeling Class. Both are always popular nights so please book early at Reception or give them a call on 020 8480 4200.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year,

Concours d’Elegance

On Sunday 7th June 2020 we are holding a Roehampton Club Concours d’Elegance with all proceeds going to the Mission Motorsport, the Forces’ Motorsport Charity. If you have a classic car – modern or vintage – and would like to show your car and be a part of an exciting motoring day at the Club, please express your interest by emailing Nicki Davis at