Bridge Report

It is so lovely to be able to begin this report with some excellent news. Ron Wood and Ralph Evers, as winners of our Founders Trophy, were invited to enter the Surrey County Bridge Association’s annual club pairs championship for the Mary Edwards Cup.  The event is open to all of Surrey’s bridge clubs, of which twenty competed this year.  This competition has been held every year since 1955 but this is the first time Roehampton Club has won. Therefore, very heartfelt congratulations go to Ralph and Ron, this is a terrific achievement.


Summer Bridge Garden Party, 14th June from 6pm

I do hope that all club Members who are free on the 14th and who play bridge will consider joining us for this very enjoyable event. The gardens are looking so wonderful at the moment and are bound to look even more stunning on the 14th June when, weather permitting, we have our drinks outside.

We have a very appetizing summer buffet menu planned, it is free seating, people are encouraged to all mingle together and the bridge will be light hearted; with ‘Our Ron’ (said in a Cilla Black type of voice) in charge of the proceedings in the bridge room. Any players who feel shy about moving around the room are also welcome and there will be one end of the room put aside for them if they just wish to play amongst each other.

General Bridge News

Our Beginners Bridge is going from strength to strength with Tim and his class well into their second term. A few of us have realised that on Monday nights the bridge room is free, so we are considering running a further supervised session for those that cannot make Lou-Lou’s afternoon session due to other daytime commitments (I can hear some mutter to themselves, yes, like work!). This is a matter for the Committee and I will be considering.

We are also considering how to satisfy the needs of Children’s Bridge for our Members. Please keep an eye out for an email regarding this coming your way. If you do have bridge-playing or bridge-interested children, please contact myself or Val Lanceley ( We have many terrifically enthusing ideas floating around and it would be good to know how many Club children are interested.

Our duplicate directors are still beginning each weekly session with a different etiquette tip for the week, although I think this week on Monday (I was not there) it was more of a playing tip. I do hope that people are taking all of these on board. Stickers will be awarded to those that do!

Keep an eye out for a choice of new stackable bridge chairs that we shall soon be placing in the bridge room for all to try out and vote upon. Going by the pictures I saw, these chairs, I hope, will be more in keeping with our bridge room than the previous samples, but who knows!

One general housekeeping matter is that, should you feel that the cards in a duplicate board need replacing, please make a note of the board number and inform the director.  The cards will be replaced with a new set when that board is next used. Same with the bidding boxes, if one is broken or grubby please leave it out for it either to be cleaned or have the cards replaced.

Here is a picture that Maureen Williamson dealt herself during her period of free play before Paul’s Wednesday lesson started –

Paul said that this was one of the most, if not the most, extraordinary hands he had seen for some months. Imagine this was your hand, how would you open the bidding on this hand?

The answer and the reason why will be at the end of this blog.


We shall be holding another Sunday Club Bridge Lunch session in October and please let me know if you are happy or not happy with an idea of paying extra and enjoying the full carvery lunch in the Fountain Room –

I think I have covered everything. Funny how you begin thinking what on earth am I going to write about and you manage to write a few paragraphs.

Until next time …


ANSWER: 6 Spades. I know some will think that you may miss a grand slam this way but you do want to not let the opposition find their likely slam fit in one of the other suits. Luckily Maureen’s partner had the 10 spades and the Jack/10 Hearts fell under her honours in that suit.