Bridge Blog

Miller Cup


Congratulations to Kate Manners who won the Miller Cup, on Sunday. Kate also won this event in 1999 which is testament to her skill as a bridge player and no doubt her ability to bring out the best in her partners. (Note to self – be kind to partner!).

Kate very kindly treated us all to celebratory drinks in the bar afterwards.


The Miller Cup is an individual event at which all play all (as far as is possible) and only simple systems are allowed. Working out a suitable movement for this can be very complicated so thank you to our director Steve Foster who managed this skilfully.


Image: Kate Manners presented with the Miller Cup

Founder’s Trophy


Last month we ran the Founder’s Trophy which is a pairs competition scored over two consecutive Mondays. Congratulations to Malcolm Bricknell and Peter Hardyment who narrowly won by a whisker pushing the erstwhile leading pair Diana Wilson and Tim Russell into second place. Commiserations to Diana and Tim.


Peter and Malcolm will now go on to represent the Roehampton Club in the Surrey County Mary Edwards cup.


Image: Malcolm Bricknell and Peter Hardyment with the Founders Trophy

Match Vs Royal Mid-Surrey

Congratulations to the following Members for their convincing 32imp win away against Royal Mid-Surrey on 16th March.

Simon Lucas (Captain) and John Fooks; Kate Blake and Ron Wood; Sandra and Gordon Fox; Loulou Van Geuns and Arnold Tunbridge; Peter and Henryka Bonnor-Morris, Jeanette Reid and Marion Tamblyn.

Ukraine Appeal

The bridge committee have nominated the following duplicate sessions to raise money for the Ukraine appeal. Monday 28th, Wednesday 30th and Thursday 31st March.

Table Money from these two duplicates will be donated along with any additional donations which members may like to make.  (Additional donations will be collected in cash).

All proceeds (table money plus additional donations) will be paid to the appeal via the Disaster Emergency Committee (DEC). Please do come along and support these sessions!

British Spring Sims Pairs – Monday 4th April, 1.30pm

This simultaneous pairs event is run by the English Bridge Union (EBU). The same hands are played and scored against all the other clubs which take part. Written commentary on the hands is available following the event. There is a surcharge levied by the EBU for this and therefor the table money for the event will be £7.


Teams Trophy – Monday 11th April 1.30pm

Teams of four competition – a signup sheet is available on the Bridge Notice Board in Reception.

Next Team Practice – Friday 22nd April 1.30pm

Please note the April team practice date has been moved from 15th April (which is Good Friday).


Next Wednesday 30th March the duplicate session will move back live to the bridge room from online BBO. Same time 7.30pm.

We will of course be monitoring the turnout and will review our schedules according to take -up and feedback.

Loulou’s supervised Bridge – Tuesday afternoons

Please note that the following two sessions will not take place during the Easter period – 12th and 19th April 

Julie Bacon, Bridge Chair