Author’s Corner

Strange Behaviour
by Roehampton Club Member, Stewart Binnie

Strange Behaviour, my latest novel, is a psychological thriller inspired by a story I once overheard, and by my witnessing, as a child, the bizarre behaviour of a close relative in the grip of an obsessive disorder.

The notion of putting someone, afflicted in this way, in the midst of a crime scene, was one I felt compelled to explore and develop. The story to which it gives rise is likely to appeal to readers with a liking for novels in which peril or risk is introduced into a domestic setting.

The book’s jacket describes its contents as follows:

It’s midnight. A distraught woman bangs on the door of a house, claiming her life is threatened. She is unaware, when the door opens, and she is invited in, of the dangers that await her there.

Philip, following his wife’s departure, is attempting to reorder their possessions, when Lily, a stranger, arrives at his door, seeking refuge and claiming that her life is in jeopardy. After he invites her into his home, she refuses to leave again in spite of his efforts to be rid of her.

Why is she there, why is her husband pursuing her and what is it about Philip’s home and activities that so obsess her? What is the nature of the illness for which she requires medication and what can Philip do to avoid its consequences?

Her relentless curiosity, her bizarre behaviour and what she learns of Philip’s circumstances as their thoughts and lives converge, give rise to a chain of events that threatens tragic consequences for them both.

Strange Behaviour can be purchased as an Amazon paperback or a Kindle download. Here If you purchase the book and enjoy reading it, please recommend it to your family and friends and perhaps support it by writing a review.

You might also care to read one of my other novels: Call to Arms, the story of a Quaker family, for whom the introduction of military conscription in January 1916, is a moment of truth or Across the Water, a novel about a Protestant family during the Troubles in Northern Ireland in 1971.

Calling all Roehampton Club Authors!

The Club is keen to cater for a wide range of Members’ interests, in sports, art and culture. If you are a Roehampton Club Member and author and interested in your book or books featuring in the Roehampton Recorder, please email for more information.


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