First Tee Talk

International Family Golf event

A glorious Sunday afternoon was filled with fun for our Family Golf event with families of all abilities taking part over five holes. Each of the eleven tee times was filled and we had a waiting list. The event was simply for families to play together in a relaxed environment and experience on-course tuition with myself and PGA Professional Ricky Pharo. Members were invited to wear team or country colours and the Home Nations were well represented along with America, France, Australia and Zimbabwe all showing their colours. These events reflect our Club beautifully; cosmopolitan, friendly, welcoming and always learning. Junior golfers learned the importance of course repair, etiquette as well as tips on their swings; mums and dads learnt a bit too!


The game is evolving; are you?

While he may not be every golfer’s cup of tea, Bryson Dechambeau is changing the game at the top level. Obvious and well-documented body mass increase and swinging the driver like a madman intent on pulverising the ball, is making him the hot topic. Justin Rose was asked if he was going to bulk up and he said no as he was too old. The younger guys must be hitting the gym and eating protein like there is no tomorrow. Compare the image below of Bryson at impact and what Ben Hogan taught us 70 years ago. Bryson’s hands and elbows are a long way from his body, whilst Hogan advocated keeping the elbows touching the body all the way through the swing. Big difference.


So why the big difference? Quite simply, Hogan had to locate the sweet spot *every* time. Elbows close makes that happen. Bryson is all about speed and mass meeting the ball and owing to modern equipment, he doesn’t have to locate the sweet spot with as much accuracy as players of yesteryear. Hogan would be wildly punished for an off-centre strike, whereas Bryson won’t notice it. Modern kit hides off-centre problems! 


What does this mean to you, dear Member? The relationship between your arms and body has to synchronise if you require a more accurate contact, which in turn adds yardage. Standing further from the ball creates a wider swing, thus more leverage and power, but “may” compromise a little consistency. What is your correct distance? Book in for a lesson and let me find it out for you. Email on or mobile on 07974403289.

Enjoy your golf.

Richard Harrison | Head Golf Professional |