Seniors’ Golf Blog

On Wednesday of last week, we held our monthly Grail stableford competition.  On a day of good scoring, three seniors scored 40 points and three more scored 39 points. The prize winners, decided on countback, were:

1st Quentin Robey             40 points
2nd Andrew Guest             40 point
3rd Mel Davies                    40 points
4th Malcolm Turner          39 points
5th David Moss                   39 points
6th Simon Davis                 39 points


As you will see, David Moss, the winner of the last two grails, narrowly failed to win for the third time running. Obviously freed from the anxieties of leading the Seniors, Quentin found that his game had benefitted. Well done on your deserved win, Quentin!


Because of course maintenance in later in July, the Grail this month is being held on Wednesday 14 July. Please sign up. There are plenty of spaces left.

The Club has announced that we will continue to hold roll ups on five Wednesdays in August and September in addition to the Grail and medal competitions. We now have forty places on each roll up day and probably will be able to accommodate all who wish to play. As before, sign up is a week ahead and, before the day, names will be randomly shuffled to establish playing groups.

Our schedule of matches is in full swing including last week our first home match, against Wimbledon Common. After we had a narrow team win by 3 ½ to 2 ½, the ears of the Games and Grounds Teams and catering staff must have been burning, hearing the complements paid by our visitors to the condition of the course and in respect of the welcome they had received.

Douglas Millar, Acting Chairman